The Child Abuse Prevention Council is composed of members of the community who are dedicated to the CAPC’s primary purpose of coordinating Santa Barbara County’s efforts to prevent and respond to child abuse and neglect.
In furtherance of the purposes for which the CAPC was created, the Members of the CAPC agree to advance the following goals and objectives to ensure the effectiveness of the CAPC:
promote public awareness of the abuse and neglect of children as well as the resources available for intervention and treatment;
coordinate with each other in addressing prevention, intervention, and treatment of child abuse and neglect cases, and reach out to additional community resources to prevent and respond to child abuse;
encourage and facilitate community support for child abuse and neglect programs;
regularly attend CAPC meetings in order to share relevant information, make presentations, and acquire new information from key trainings;
assist in decision making to identify and prioritize projects for the CAPC to undertake, and volunteer time and resources to execute and implement the selected projects.